Mobile chipset maker Qualcomm has increased the number of games designed to run on devices using its Snapdragon processors and launched its Snapdragon GameCommand app to help users discover and access games.
The games being added to the Snapdragon GamePack will initially be Android-only and optimised for devices running Qualcomm Snapdragon microprocessors. The games will arrive on the Android Market in early 2012 and include Tripwire Interactive’s 'The Ball', Khaeon Gamestudio’s 'Fight Game Heroes' and NAMCO’s 'GALAGA Special Edition'. GamePack was first launched in June this year.
The new GameCommand app will allow users to discover and learn about new games featured or exclusive to Snapdragon devices. All downloaded games can be accessed through the app and the app will also include gaming news from various gaming websites.
“Qualcomm has received great user feedback since launching the Snapdragon GamePack, so we are expanding the quantity and quality of games while making them easier to locate through the launch of the Snapdragon GameCommand app,” said Qualcomm VP of product management Raj Talluri.