Mats Granryd, director general (DG) at the GSMA, will step down from the role at the end of March 2025, ending a tenure lasting just under a decade at the helm of the mobile association.

In a video message, Granryd explained he would serve as DG until the end of MWC Barcelona 2025, and then take on a new role as Special Adviser to the board for the remainder of the year.

Granryd took on the role in late 2015 and stated he had accepted two invitations from the board to extend his contract.

“After much contemplation I have decided not to extend this third time round,” said Granryd.

With regards to his successor, Granryd said there is a well-established plan for succession and “given the calibre of the organisation we will attract a highly talented pool of candidates”.

In his time left remaining as DG, Granryd added he was focused on pushing initiatives such as Open Gateway, reducing gaps in coverage, gender and usage and delivering successful GSMA events.

“I am also looking forward to planning and contributing to MWC 2025,” he said, adding it would be his 27th MWC appearance.

During his time at the GSMA, Granryd pointed to a couple of stand-out moments, including gaining an agreement for the mobile industry to commit to the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals and transforming the organisation during the Covid-19 pandemic.