Apple unveiled the latest generation of in-house processors for its new Macbooks, rolling out a trio of M3 chips built using a 3 nanometer (nm) process, representing what it claimed is a first for the PC industry.
The company took the wraps off the M3, M3 Pro and M3 Max chips, which it stated deliver increased performance and new capabilities for its PCs.
It explained the 3nm production process means more transistors can be packed into a smaller space, improving speed and efficiency.
Bloomberg reported Apple is the first high-volume computer manufacturer to switch to 3nm.
The chips feature a next-generation GPU Apple claimed as “the biggest leap forward in graphics architecture ever” for its silicon, with improved rendering speeds, CPU performance and media engines.
Apple said the M3 is 35 per cent faster for standard computing tasks than its first generation M1 chip and delivers 65 per cent better graphics.
During a launch event, Apple showed-off new Macbook Pro models, with a low-end option running the standard M3 chip priced at $1,599. It has higher priced variants running M3 Pro and M3 Max configurations.
It also debuted a new 24-inch iMac desktop computer.
Ben Wood, chief analyst and CMO at CCS Insight, commented Apple is maintaining momentum with the Mac line-up and its new silicon platform.
“It also continues to get the big advantage of having tight hardware, software and silicon integration which gives it significant advantages.”