Sony reportedly began testing the next-generation Snapdragon 865 chipset on its upcoming Xperia devices, as the Japanese company looks to extend processing power.
Japanese media outlet Androplus reported the company conducted tests using the upcoming version of Snapdragon in its flagship Xperia 1.
There are therefore indications that its next smartphone could be powered by Snapdragon 865, which is yet to feature on a device.
While Sony is in line to feature the processor, it is likely that the chipset will first be seen in the Samsung Galaxy S11, as the South Korean vendor had a hand in developing it.
The processor is expected to come with high processing speeds and native 5G support. The next-generation of Snapdragon will also rival Apple’s A13 processor featured Apple’s iPhone 11 line, which has 20 per cent faster CPU and GPU performance than the A12.
Sony is expected to unveil its new Xperia range in early 2020.