A US website dedicated to the Android mobile operating system has released further details and images of the HTC Dream, reportedly the first phone based on Google’s platform set for launch by T-Mobile USA before the end of the year. The blueprints for the device published by AndroidGuys show that the device has the Google logo on the back, suggesting – the website says – that T-Mobile and HTC are keen to exploit Google’s brand recognition and promote the device as a ‘Google Phone.’ The phone will also retain HTC branding. In addition, the device will reportedly include a tilted bottom design – known as a ‘kicktail’ – and a slide mechanism referred to as an ‘arc slider screen.’ Applications include a dedicated YouTube player, and Google mapping, calendar and instant messaging tools.

Reports emerged earlier this month that T-Mobile USA could launch the device – also referred to as the ‘G1’ – as early as next month with a price tag of around US$150. The Federal Communications Commission, the US regulator, has also approved the device for launch; its filing hinted at a November 10 release. The Android platform is reportedly set to come out of beta mode soon.