UK operator VMO2 launched a tool allowing consumers to check if they are paying too much for their smartphones, stepping up a wider lobbying effort which takes aim at rivals for overcharging people for devices they already own.

In a statement, VMO2 explained it developed an online calculator people can use to check if they could be paying less by negotiating with providers or taking out a new plan.

By inputting basic information such as their mobile provider, current device, monthly bill and contract start date, individuals can use the calculator to work out potential overpayments and access possible remedies including negotiating a new deal or switching provider.

Launch of the service comes around three months after the operator conducted research which found consumers in the UK are overpaying for smartphones to the tune of £530 million per year.

As a result, it launched the Stop the Smartphone Swindle campaign, which lobbies for rivals to take a series of actions to address the problem, including giving consumers greater choice, automatically rolling down costs at the end of the minimum term and providing better communication.

With its latest tool, VMO2 stated it had found majority of UK consumers were looking at ways to save on their mobile bill as high inflation continues to put pressure on household finances.

Gareth Turpin, CCO at VMO2, said rivals charging consumers for phones they already own “is just plain wrong”.

“Now, armed with our new easy to use overpayment calculator, we’re putting clear information into consumers hands, helping demystify bundled contracts and exposing just how costly they can be if no action is taken.”