A good description is the most important factor when people decide whether to download an app, with 76 percent of people saying a good description of what an app does and how it works is 'almost always' or 'always' needed to persuade them to download an app.

According to research by user experience agency Webcredible, the second most important factor is price, with 51 percent of respondents stating this as an influential factor. Just over a quarter (26 percent) said they only download an app if it's free, while another quarter said an app needs to be priced under £1.50 if they are going to download it.

Slightly less important is whether an app looks fun (43 percent) and whether an app is listed at the top of search results, cited by 42 percent. Just 18 percent of respondents said a recommendation from a friend is a factor.

”Best practice when it comes to user experience, such as providing clear and comprehensive descriptions, has proven essential when it comes to downloading apps and is something that needs to be implemented across all channels of interactions with consumers. It seems that recommendations from friends and offering free apps aren’t as influential as you might be inclined to think,” Webcredible director Trenton Moss said.