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Satellite Backhaul Enables Quick & Cost-Effective Mobile Connectivity

Roughly half of the world’s population is not connected to the internet and excluded from the socio-economic benefits of digital connectivity. That means 4 billion people who are not connected:  750 million do not have access to mobile broadband infrastructure, and the other 3 billion don’t subscribe to mobile internet services even though they have access.

Closing this connectivity gap represents an opportunity for Mobile Network Operators to achieve their business goals while helping to deliver profound social and economic benefits to the people and communities they serve.

Until now, expanding mobile broadband coverage to rural and remote, unserved areas was hindered by the complexity and high cost of building out infrastructure as well as slow or low ROI.

This whitepaper explores how space-based solutions for cellular backhaul have become essential for economically and efficiently overcoming these connectivity challenges and provides recommendations for how mobile operators can quickly bring more people online to grow their businesses today.

Please click here to download the whitepaper.