The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) recommended the country’s next spectrum auction include nearly 3,000MHz of newly available mmWave airwaves, which it argues have a more mature ecosystem and are likely to attract operator interest.

TRAI recommends auctioning the 37GHz to 40GHz frequency bands at an average reserve price of INR59.8 million ($683,857) per MHz, with a 100MHz block size per region and a 20-year validity period.

Suggested reserve prices range from INR76 million in Delhi, INR67 million in Mumbai and INR4 million in Himachal Pradesh.

The country has 22 telecom regions.

In the last 5G auction in 2022, no bids were received for 2.6GHz band spectrum, which operators avoided due to a lack of compatible devices.

TRAI believes the move to 37GHz to 40GHz, which are used in other countries including the US, would be supported by operators, which analysts say have asked for access to the bands.

The average reserve price is significantly lower per MHz than for the 26GHz band offered in 2022.

TRAI recommended using spectrum in the 37.5GHz to 40GHz range for satellite earth station gateways.

It also suggested a spectrum cap for the frequency bands of 40 per cent of the total spectrum to be auctioned.

Payment terms include an upfront option and 20 equal annual installments.

The Department of Telecommunication will make a decision on timing of the auction, which will include spectrum in up to ten other bands.