New eBook: Transforming Towards Digital Business
This new eBook, published by Mobile World Live in partnership with Huawei, provides insight and opinions on what is being termed as the rise of the fourth industrial revolution. The shift to all-digital services, combined with the abundance and ubiquity of new technologies, will serve both as enablers and disruptors.
The eBook looks at how the mobile industry is leveraging digital technologies to improve operational efficiency whilst managing expectations on the faster delivery of more services and finds better ways of serving a demanding market.
It includes features from Huawei’s President of Global Technical Services, Jim Lu, and interviews with senior executives from NTT DOCOMO, Telefonica Group, Sunrise, TDC, HKT Limited and Orange. In addition there are market reports on the latest developments of digital transformation in action.
In order to take advantage of this insightful eBook on the latest developments and views on digital transformation, download your copy today.
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