ADVERTORIAL: IPv6 network infrastructure of ALBtelecom has been accepted and certified by the Network Coordination Centre RIPE for Europe, the Middle East and part of Central Asia, as an infrastructure that meets all the conditions to offer service with appropriate standards. Based on the performance and capabilities demonstrated in cooperation with this Authority, ALBtelecom has been certified with IPv6 stars in three categories: IPv6 Security, IPv6 Addressing and IPv6 Essentials.

Furthermore Albania, through ALBtelecom Company, ranks as one of the countries that enables IPv6 services, with approximately 100 Gb/s international internet connection, becoming part of the list of countries that meet the criteria of internet service via IPv6 protocol.

This is a continuous improvement and optimization process on advanced technology that ALBtelecom offers to Albanian market, enabling unlimited capacity, Internet access and comprehensive security, focusing entirely on subscribers, for offering the best services.

IPv6 is the new addressing scheme of network devices or users, which is designed for all internet service providers around the world. Using this scheme, for which ALBtelecom company is certified and has received respective IPv6 stars, every Internet user and every device in Albania can access and be accessed worldwide, without limit on the amount of equipment to be connected to the internet.

Nowadays, in the Internet era, this recent technology will allow you to automate your personal or household devices, remote work processes etc., without limitation on location or number of devices for each user.