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How mobile operators can fight back against mobile device theft, fraud and trafficking

Counterfeit, trafficked and stolen devices are severely damaging mobile operators’ abilities to generate revenue from subsidised devices as well as negatively impacting customer experiences. As the cost of devices increases into the thousands of dollars and customers rely on smartphones to engage in high value activities, the costs to operators and customers are spiralling upwards. In fact, this paper outlines how device-related frauds could have an impact of US$10 billion per annum if trends encountered in the US are extrapolated globally.

So, what can mobile operators do about it? This whitepaper sets out industry progress to date and also explains how the Asset Lifecycle Protection Service (ALPS) from Trustonic works to enable a holistic approach to the on-device security issues that operators face. With losses mounting, this is no longer an issue mobile operators can afford to ignore.

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