Mike Sievert, current COO and future CEO of T-Mobile US, told investors the operator could still agree a settlement with 14 attorney generals suing to block its proposed Sprint merger, despite being confident of winning a court battle.

At an investor conference, Sievert said the operator “felt very good” about the opening day of the trial and believes “we’ve got a fantastic case”.

While T-Mobile is confident of winning, Sievert said there is “potential for settlement right up until the verdict” adding the operator thinks “there are plenty of reasons why that might make sense”.

T-Mobile already reached deals with four attorney generals previously involved in the legal case.

“What’s interesting about this is that although we’re adversaries in a case, when you really get through it and look at the things that they say they want, they’re the same things we want. And that does give us some comfort in the fact that discussions would make sense.”

He added the judge deciding the case made clear arguments are to be concluded no later than 23 December, with a verdict expected in the following weeks.