INTERVIEW: Leslie Jarrin, MD of ThoughtWorks’ Ecuador operation, believes there are big challenges when trying to get more women into tech in Latin America, not least of which is a “macho” culture in the region.

The male-orientation means few people think there are problems around gender diversity, resulting in little or no effort to implement change. However, Jarrin argued action must be taken, noting only 20 per cent of female university students are looking to get into tech careers.

Jarrin explained companies are beginning to learn there are many advantages to boosting the proportion of women in the workforce. For example, increased diversity in the way teams think can deliver better solutions for clients and a kick to revenue in the long-run.

ThoughtWorks, a technology consultancy, is a “special company” with “really specific objectives” around gender diversity, Jarrin said, pointing to a goal to fill 40 per cent of tech roles in its global office by women.

The strategy is garnering the company global recognition: in 2016, The Anita Borg Institute in California announced ThoughtWorks as the winner of the 2016 Top Companies for Women Technologists programme for its role in recruiting, retaining and advancing women in technical roles.

Click here to see the full interview.