Google announced it would close UK payments service Google Pay P2P in September when it transferred customer e-money and finance accounts to its Republic of Ireland subsidiary.

In an email to users, the company said the peer-to-peer cash transfer service would be discontinued with customers advised to withdraw cash from accounts ahead of the closure.

Google Pay P2P allowed users to request and transfer cash instantly to contacts through Gmail or its main service. These types of transactions are usually for small amounts with use cases including splitting bills in restaurants and contributing money to group collections.

The company also told users as of 6 September, UK-based Google Payment would transfer accounts to Google Ireland with new terms and conditions applying.

It added further services would be offered under the new regime allowing users to “manage your payment credentials in one place in order to make purchases with Google and on Google marketplaces”.

In 2018 Google brought all its payment brands, including its P2P service and the point of sale mobile payment service formerly known as Android Pay, together under the central Google Pay brand.