China-based telecoms equipment vendor Huawei announced plans to set up R&D labs in Wellington and Christchurch, New Zealand, and build a cloud data centre with local partners.

Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei (pictured) met with New Zealand Prime Minister Bill English to discuss its investment initiatives, which also include establishing a regional office in Wellington for local procurement. Ren said it plans to purchase more goods and services locally and help local businesses integrate into its global supply chain network.

“New Zealand’s open and fair trade environment, and its emphasis on developing new technology, facilitates our ongoing commitment,” Ren said. “Digital transformation empowered by advanced ICT technology can enable New Zealand to become better connected with the world and transform its traditional strengths into driving forces of economic growth.”

The company, which started operations in the country in 2005, will open an innovation lab at Victoria University of Wellington during 2017. The lab will focus on big data and maximising the potential of the Internet of Things through technology such as 5G, the company said. It is also looking for R&D partnerships to establish an innovation lab in Christchurch.

Its “Seeds for the Future” programme, which enables students to travel to China to learn about technology and participate in cultural exchange, will expand to 100 undergraduate students over the next five years, Huawei said.