LIVE FROM DROIDCON LONDON: Developers from search company Yandex outlined the benefits of publishing apps in multiple Android app stores.

“You can extend your existing audience,” said Timur Dyussebayev, adding that this can lead to increased revenue.

He said working with other app stores also allows developers to try different billing options to determine the most lucrative monetisation approach.

If an app has been doing well in Google Play, a smaller marketplace is a good place to test a paid version without harming the success of the version in the official store. “It’s a good thing to experiment with,” Dyussebayev said.

However, licensing and billing models and coding requirements vary between the portals. “All of this adds complexity. Building for multiple app stores is like building for multiple ecosystems,” Dyussebayev explained.

The Yandex developer went on to say that the secret of a successful app store is to be the only one pre-loaded onto devices, something that Yandex will benefit from when it launches with Russian operator MegaFon by the end of the year.