Scoreloop, a company which enables developers to add social connectivity features to a mobile game, said that it is seeing more than one million new players using Scoreloop-enabled features every week. The company said it delivered a total of 100 million game sessions in 2010, and more than 350 million high scores were uploaded from a Scoreloop game – more than 11 scores every second.

Earlier this year, Scoreloop said it had seen “huge growth” in the use of its virtual currency platform over the Christmas holiday period, with a 216 percent jump in currency purchases compared to the weekly average. It also added 1.3 million new gamers to its network during this time, representing the largest single growth week the company has seen to-date – with Android gamers representing the biggest growth group.

Scoreloop offers a white-label, customisable software development kit, to enable features to be integrated into a game’s existing user interface. It supports features such as leaderboards, challenges, friend finding, and virtual currency, and integrates with social networks such as Facebook and Twitter.

The company says its management team has “built on a successful track record in large-scale payment and security systems for Fortune 500 corporations,” combining an expertise in high-volume infrastructures with social gaming.