Following news that it is finally going to venture into smartphone gaming, Nintendo said its first title will be released in 2015, and that by the end of March 2017 it will have released five titles.

The apps will be developed with DeNA, a Japanese company which develops and operates a range of mobile and online services.

Nintendo’s CEO and president, Satoru Iwata, reiterated in an earnings call that new, original games designed to make use of smart device functionality will be created.

“If we were simply to port software that already has a track record on a dedicated game system, it would not match the play styles of smart devices, and the appropriate business models are different between the two, so we would not anticipate a great result,” he said.

The executive said that while five titles may seem few to some, the decision was made because “we aim to make each title a hit, and because we want to thoroughly operate every one of them for a significant amount of time after their releases”.

The company has also delayed the launch of a new device for emerging markets to focus on these titles, according to a Bloomberg report.

Nintendo and DeNA also plan to develop an online membership service that is accessible from smart devices, PCs and Nintendo systems.