Google updated its Google Play services, which it said offers developers “better integration with Google products”, to include support for two new APIs – including a Maps update.

The company said that the Maps API will allow developers to bring new features of the service to apps targeting devices running Froyo or later.

These include vector-based maps that support 2D and 3D views, and allow users to tilt and rotate the map with simple gestures.

It also said that the new API will allow developers to include indoor maps for “many major airports and shopping centres” in apps.

The update also introduces an API that enables developers to access the Photo Sphere mode introduced in Android 4.2.

The company said that the feature can be used “to create amazing, immersive panoramas just like you see in Street View on Google Maps”.

It uses an image file that also includes text-based meta data, to describe how it should be rendered within the PhotoSphere viewer including in Android, Google+, and Google Maps.