Independent app store Appitalism extended its App Concierge feature for paid Apple apps to also support free Android Market apps, enabling customers to seamlessly download Android products from without the need to transfer to Android Market for order fulfilment.

Customers can browse Android Market apps from and, once selected, the App Concierge automatically retrieves them from Android Market as a fully-automated background process. Consumers are then sent an SMS message with a direct installation link, or they can be accessed from their Appitalism App Cloud.

Appitalism said it is the only store to allow customers to manage Android Market and App Store products centrally from one place, “putting an end to fragmented islands of apps, segregated by platform types.” App Concierge is also available for licence to operators and brands which distribute apps to Apple and Android Devices and “want their customers to have the option to utilise their content portals and billing relationships for Android and Apple apps.”