Apple faced further legal action over its App Store practices, with a non-profit group in India claiming the company’s closed in-app payment system is anti-competitive and keeps developers out of the market, Reuters reported.
In a case being reviewed by the Competition Commission of India (CCI), the Together We Fight Society alleges Apple’s standard 30 per cent commission for in-app purchases stifles competition by raising costs for developers and consumers, Reuters stated.
A source told Reuters the CCI will likely order an investigation as other countries have pushed app stores for alternative payment methods for app purchases.
Earlier this week, South Korea’s parliament approved legislation freeing developers from official app store payment channels, while investigations by the European Commission aim to determine if App Store and Apple Pay services shut out competitors.
Apple agreed to make a number of changes to the App Store over the past week, following an investigation by the Japan Fair Trade Commission and as part of a settlement of a US lawsuit filed in 2019.